How to Maximize Your ResultsHere are a few tips to help you maximize your results:
Your attitude towards the enlargement program is very important. If you don't trust the techniques how can you expect to have good results? And if you see the exercises and say with a sad look on your face "this will never work for me", "my penis will never be enlarged", "I am doomed with this small penis for the rest of my life", how can you expect it to work? As you may have noticed before, a positive attitude brings a lot of good results. If you say to yourself “I have a big penis” and "My penis will definitely enlarge" and if you start believing this, it will eventually happen. It is all about being optimistic. So say it out loud "I love my penis. It is large, healthy, and it will become even better!" The key to everything is that if you want something badly, you have to act as if you already have it. So, if you want a big penis, you have to feel as though your penis was already large. You have to keep saying to yourself that you have a big penis until you start believing this, until you will start feeling your big penis hanging between your legs. Learn to relax During your daily workouts you should clear your mind of all the negative thoughts like work, fights you've had that day or the amount of things that you must do after you finish your workout. You should think about this time as your relaxing period of the day and you should use this time to enhance your own life. You should choose a relaxing and comfortable place for your workouts, turn on a relaxing music, and block off all the negative thoughts in your mind, and simply use this time for yourself. Learn how to breathe A deep breathe during the warm up will help you switch your mind from thinking about the problems you have to your own personal goals for growth. When you apply the hot towel, you have to clear your mind of everything. There will be some thoughts popping through your head but you have to relax and to push it out and focus on your breathing. You should inhale until you slowly count to 15, concentrating on the breath. Hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale through your mouth until you slowly count to 15. You should repeat this type of breathing until your towel cools. Focus on your penis You should focus on your penis with each move you make during the workouts. You should be aware of each sensation that the exercises give you. You mustn't think that quantity is important for these exercises, because it is only the quality that matters. So, you should focus on performing each exercise correctly for the best results.
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