Penis Exercise - A how-to manual for enlarging your penis
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Very inspiring information. I like these short videos. Just signed up for the Erection Fitness program. Thanks!

Our answer:
Hey, thanks for the good words! Good luck with Program. For those who are interested read more about the Erection Fitness.

I have been practising jelqing for almost a year now....Am 6.25\"in length and 4.5inches in girt...Am tired of having a small girt....Pls what kind of exercise can i do to increase my girt wit 1\"

Our answer:
Take a look at Developing Girth to get an idea. Then purchase the Erection Fitness program and some supplements (see the info in the right column).

I cant get my membership ID. I gave my email and everything

Our answer:

First you need to register to Men's Erection Fitness.

Can performing the PC Clamp alone really increase penis size?

Our answer:

The PC Clamp it's a strenghtening exercise. To enlarge your penis you need to follow a routine.

I know some guys that grew until they were 21. If I am 18 should I wait to perform these until i have matured more? I am almost 6 inches at 5'8 but would like to be bigger..

Our answer:

These exercises will work well at any age.

Johnson Smith
I am registered but haven't received my ID yet.

Our answer:

Check your junk or spam folder. Should be in there.

Where is my userid? Got the email to click to confirm newsletter, did that. Next email was a free report, read it, very interesting. Where can I get my userid?

Our answer:

check your Trash or your Junk folder.

hi i have not received any mail for penis enlargement can u send in these mail plz *******

Our answer:

you can join our free newsletter here.

the man
hey, how do i subscribe to your news letter?

Our answer:

just enter your e-mail addressin the box requesting an unique ID to allow you to view the movies.

Whats the average results of a Sturdy 2-5month period of doing the workouts?

Our answer:

1 full inch I would say.

Im curious whats the average length of time with a sturdy workout that u would see results?

Our answer:

You could see results in less than a week.  Really focus on the power jelq exercise and the ballooning techniques.  Taking MSF will also help keep your penis in a more "pumped up" state. 

Where can i download the hardcopy of the programme?

Our answer:

You can join Erection Fitness for more videos and routines.

what if you do this if your under the age of 18?

Our answer:

You can either consult your doctor or wait until you are 18. 

I had used Handsome up pump used before 8 month but i have not got enlarge size what can i do for enlarge the size now i am 35 year old, i hope you will give my answer

Our answer:

I'd start the Erection Fitness program ASAP, It works, I;ve used it for 10 years with over 2 inches gained.  Its what I would recommend hands down.

Hi, can you do region specific jelqs? My penis is the thickest in the middle en thinner at the head and near the base. Is there a way to only train those parts?

Our answer:

You can do ballooning techniques.  Get an erection then squeeze in the middle so that your head becomes very hard and "balloons".  Hold this for a 30 count, massage blood back into your penis and repeat,  This should help get a bigger penis.



i have registered for the newsletter and i am still unable to view the exercise videos. what's wrong? i even got the confirmation e-mail.

Our answer:

Are you correctly typing in your validation code into the video box?

helooouu, all, is really JELQ funkcion???

Our answer:

No, it's an entire program with many different exercises

Hi, me and my partner like to watch sex movie.. We always talk about what we learn but one question always we wonder.. how can the ladies or man have no pubic hair.. We try to cut and shave but when it grow back it's so unconfortable.. How could this be done??..

Our answer:

The trick is to keep shaving at least once every other day, so it never gets long enough to cause discomfort.  hope that helps.

hellou./ I have this problem, if i do excercise JELQ, my penis loose semi errection possition, Can you tell me how I can stay in semmi ercection position????? i must musturbated or what can I do?????? thanks

Our answer:

just think about arousing images, or simply perform the exercises with an engorged penis from manual stimulation.

my penis has curved towards right can u help me

Our answer:

yes, refer to this page:


I cannot seem to find the exercises to enlarge the penis head.--can you advise please.

Our answer:

All jelqing and erection strengthening sections shoud do this for you, no problem.

Antonis Sotiriadis
Hi! i am about to finish an extender divice programme. i wonder if penis enlargement exercises would help me to increase my size more

Our answer:

Absolutely, you can use both for great results.

Ididnt get my ID to vew the veduo

Our answer:

Re-submit your email address and try again.

I entered my e-mail. It sent me the confirmation which I clicked. I never receieved a user ID, but I did enter the "id" number attached to the confirmation. When I enter the ID to view a movie - nothing happens?

Our answer:

Try re-submitting your email address and copy then paste the exact pass code as-is from your email directly into the video box.  That should work.

no questions, just to congraqtulate you for the site and movies. awesome! the movies are the most professional ones i saw.

Our answer:

Thank you so much, there are even better ones in the members area, but for as free site I think this one does pretty well =)

the dude
Hi, I just signed up for your newsletter, but I am not sure whether the ID number comes BEFORE or AFTER that email, or where I can locate it. Please, I am in desperate need, becuase I think I am doing the exercises wrong and vids will help me see what I might be doing wrong. Thanks, The Dude (:P)

Our answer:

Hi Dude, just re-enter your email address on one of the movies and you should be re-sent your passcode for the movies.  Hope that helps.  keep me posted.

ho can big balls help me?

Our answer:

They produce your testosterone and other horemones, and semen etc.  Plus women and men both prefer nice big balls.  MSF pills can help with this combined with the testicle massage and stretching.

zubair dharejo
I am 42 old penis is very loose and a bend to under side sprim is not milkey and thick pls help me

Our answer:

Well, you need to start some penile fitness exercises to help build back your penile regidity and strength.  Another great site to check out would be Bigger Penis Techniques.  To develop a better, more full climax (cum shot) you should start taking about 3-6 capsules per day of MSF pills.  MSF really did wonders for my climaxes and penile strength. On many occasions I withdrew from a girl's pussy and blasted all the way to hit her directly in the face and even in her mouth!  Most women were shocked and wildly aroused by this ability.  An amazing formula I highy recommend spending your money on!  =)  For a great review of the MSF pills, check out Stronger Penis reviews.

i think if u r doing bodybuilding u cannot do without protein than in ths exercise any diet

Our answer:

Yes, good protein will help your gains.  Good tip.

thank you for this site. awesome and great info here.

Our answer:

No problem, please enjoy and make sure to take the MSF pills for the best results.

i am 18 can i do any of these exercises in pe everyone teases me plz write back

Our answer:

Yes of course!

still no user id to see vids after reg.

Our answer:

Please try to register again.  if you still haven't received it, you might need to join penile fitness to see all the videos.

Does this realy work? And if your 15 is it bad to do all of this?? Please answer me I realy need to knowwww please desparite!

Our answer:

Yes, it really works.  why would we be managing a free site if it did not work?  I should be safe for anyone that is at least in puberty, but just be careful.  In all you should be 18 to view the movies since some might deem them to be pornographic.

Hey, well I've been doing these excersises for about 5 days stright now and now my penis is throbbing why? And the excersizes that I've been doing is for grith and length my penis is very small its 2 inches wen soft and 3 1/2 when its hard. Also can you recomend any other excersisses that I can do? And should kids age 15 do this is it healthy? I'm not a kid I am 25 years old just curious? Thanks (=

Our answer:

You should be 18.  Your penis is throbbing probably becuase you over did it.  allow yourself to heal before beginning again and please start out more slowly until you have built yourself up for about 6 weeks.  make sure to take MSF to maximize growth.

I want to get to 7.5 and girth of 6. or long will that take?

Our answer:

Probably about a year if you are about 6 inches long and 5 inches thick.  It could take less, depending on your health and consistancy using the program.  If you take MSF as well, you could see results even faster.  Please let us know how you are doing in the coming months.

When will i get the ID to access the jelg curvature exercise? I wonder if can reach the 6.0 girth. I have been told that I have a large penis, but I have my doubts and think it is not big enough. My erect at 6.75 or 7 and a girth of 5.5

Our answer:

You should have received it by now.  Please let us know if you are still having problems.  I'll see about have a password lookup feature added also. 

Is jerking off good for groth?

Our answer:

No, it is not the same as doing the correct exercises.  If jerking off made your penis larger than every guy in the world would be hung, but thats obviously not the case.  =)

how long should i keep doing these exercises?

Our answer:

Why ever stop?  I think just like regular exercise for your body, you should perform regular exercise to your penis to keep it healthy, big and strong for an active sex life throughout your entire life.  To maximize your gains and penis size we also recommend talking MSF regularly.

wen i do workoutafter 25 minutes my penis feelsenseless wat meansis gud r bad little bit senseless

Our answer:

Well this is from over doing the exercises.  You need to cut back on the time you perform them, or give yourself a break to let your penis heal.  Don't over do the techniques so you can get the best results.  Make sure you get the free penis tips newsletter to ensure you are doing everything correctly.

Hey Big Al, I just ordered some pe pills but read an article that you sent that pills have no effect on penis growth. Should I just return the rest of my pills and just focus on exercises? Thanks.

Our answer:

You may have misunderstood my article. The pills by themselves won't cause actual penis growth in a healthy man, but they can help boost gains if you're doing penis enlargement exercises. A good PE pill will act like a mild Viagra- driving more blood to the penis. When used in conjunction with PE exercises, the potential for gains increase because your penis will stay "pumped" longer after a PE session.

twesigye francis
Hi my question is ihave how do i make my penis to be large?and which drug should iuse to be strong?thank you

Our answer:

No drugs are needed (and none work for enlargement).  If you want to enlarge your penis, you'll need to do exercises like those found at Penile Fitness.

sir which exercise best and what time suit sir each exercise do every weak pc exercise is effictve and must every exercise ur penise erect.ilive in karachi in pakistan i am 30 years.

Our answer:

If you require a full description of sexual stamina exercises and routines, please check out the sexual stamina section. Also Grope for Men is an excellent supplement!

i have penis 18cm length, and 13cm girt, can you help my and send to me "video" explain how can i increase my pen girt only to be big

Our answer:

You'll find full penis enlargement exercise instructions (not just for girth) along with video tutorials HERE.

usir u mention in ur note that if ur jelquing 10 to 20 minutes u ll see gud result in 2 weeks but i cant nobody can achieve in 1 r 2 weeks than how can u say this

Our answer:

In order to see progress, you have to force progress.  Jelqing for a set time likely won't cut it- you'll need to be more precise.  Count reps instead and try to increase your reps and/or intensity every workout.   You should see measureable results within a few weeks.

i want to know wat is the use of hot wrap in middle of workout if i do in begining nd after completing the wrkout plz help me sir

Our answer:

It would be best to do your hot wraps at the beginning and end of your PE workouts.   There's no need to use them in the middle of your workouts unless you're doing hanging or some other time-intensive routine.

What is JELQ? Give me more deatail about it

Our answer:

You'll find  more information and video instructions on the jelq exercise HERE.

if i losse ur workout i losse also size like in bodybuilding if i loose the the workout i also loose the muscularity plz mhelp me sir

Our answer:

No- once you've achieved your desired size, you need to go through a short period known as "cementing".  Essentially, cementing is a tapering off of activity.  Once you've completed the cementing process, you will maintain your size with regular stamina work (like kegels) and ensuring that you get regular intense erections as well.

hi sir i wanna to ask with u that wat is meant by kegel nd i m 21 yrs after 6 yrs how many inches i gain if i follw ur workout thank u sir

Our answer:

You'll find instructions for the kegel exercise HERE.

how can i download uour instrction to my pen

Our answer:

Please clarify...

Chand Singh
Request to ask after penis exercise how many minutes should I wait to take bath or hot towel wrap or If I take hot water bath it will be gainful or harmful. Please give me helpful guide line. Thanks.

Our answer:

You can do a hot soak immediately after your penis enlargement workout.

h sir i m doing ur workout since 1 yr nd on my penis strech marks come this s a gud indiacation r not nd hw many hour i do workout plz help me sir tnx u

Our answer:

Stretchmarks are usually a sign of growth.  You can use Vitamin E or coca butter cream to lessen them.  The time spent working out is not as important as what you accomplish in that time.  You should usually train for repetitions anyway.

hi sir 10 min jelquing nnd 5 min sit down strech i do yhs exercise since 2 yr there s no result why sir i m so sad plz help me ur obedient amar

Our answer:

Doing the same thing over and over again will NOT stimulate growth.  We recommend trying the basic routine and following the course as outlined HERE.

i m 22 yrs nd i m frm india how many inches i can gain plz sdir tell me

Our answer:

Gaining 2 inches or more is not unusual for the dedicated trainee.

hi sir i do ur workout since last i yr but result is nothing plz help me urs obedient manish

Our answer:

Please give us a detailed layout of the routine that you've followed.

Chand Singh
I am working in Doha. Is there any medical store having Penis Patch available here in Doha.Because I am not having any credit card system. Or can I get this product by mail. Thanks. Best Regards. Chand Singh

Our answer:

You would have to order your patches directly online.

what do i do to get enough blood to get into my penis because it doesnt get hard enough

Our answer:

You can do stamina exercises for a fuller penis, harder erections, and sexual control.

what are the effect when some one stop,penis enhancement exercise

Our answer:

If you cement your gains and can achieve daily rock-hard erections, you will maintain all of your gains.

My Penis is curved downwards(30-45 degree) and to left since birth.How to make it straight by exercise.I dont want surgery.

Our answer:

You'll find our list of penis straightening exercises.

i am 27 yrs old man my panish size is 14cm long and 5.2" grith. so i am norvous about my penish size. i want to enlarge my penish without any pills and pumping techniques.

Our answer:

Yes- all you need is to add PENIS ENLARGEMENT EXERCISES to your regimen.

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More exercises for your penis health:

Power Jelq

Power Jelq
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The Oriental Massage (part 2)

The Oriental Massage (part 2)
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The PC Clamp

The PC Clamp
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Penile "Slapping"
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Penis Exercises

Penis Devices

Penis Pills

Grope for Men

Penis Enhancement

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